Pivotal developed its own network modeling tool, WaveScape, because existing, lower frequency mobile-centric tools fall short when modeling more deterministic and line-of-sight-based mmWave frequencies. The WaveScape cloud-native platform takes advantage of highest-resolution GIS data available to offer these capabilities:
Coverage Analysis: WaveScape utilizes its high-resolution Reverb™ ray-tracing algorithm to confidently predict and analyze mmWave mobility and fixed wireless access (FWA) coverage.
Candidate Site Qualification: WaveScape utilizes high-resolution GIS data and AI to automatically identify existing poles and other candidate site locations that have sufficient signal to host a repeater.
Single-family unit (SFU) FWA Qualifier: WaveScape separately determines which homes are enabled for FWA with rooftop-mounted CPE vs in-home window-mounted CPE and can provide high-resolution guidance on optimal location and azimuth of CPE.
MDU FWA Qualifier™: WaveScape analyzes the building face in 3D to determine signal strength and angle of incidence to determine exactly which units are supported for FWA. WaveScape provides 2D visualizations of coverage surrounding the building, as well as 3D visualizations of the qualification status of the signal incident on the face of MDU buildings.
MDU Optimizer™: WaveScape allows carriers to minimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) while simultaneously optimizing performance and coverage across three separate 5G FWA use-cases: Mobility, Multifamily Unit (MDU) fixed-wireless access (FWA). The Optimizer also allows carriers to compare the unit economics and expected performance of different deployment strategies, hardware, and potential transmitter sites.
Additionally, WaveScape serves as the modeling engine and orchestrator for the Pivotal Turnkey service, ensuring that Pivotal Turnkey customers achieve maximum coverage at lowest cost and have the highest confidence in the coverage provided through Turnkey.