Pivotal Commware Slashes 5G mmWave Deployment Costs
Posted on May 7, 2020 | Pivotal Commware
Pivotal Commware has demonstrated how its Holographic Beam Forming® repeaters – Echo 5G™ and Pivot 5G™ – substantially reduce 5G mmWave deployment costs while increasing coverage indoors where most people use the service. Pivotal’s proprietary modeling tool shows how, in one case, a network operator achieved 80% indoor coverage in one square kilometer of an American suburb using seven gNBs, 30 Pivot 5G repeaters and 360 Echo 5G repeaters instead of 28 gNBs alone.
Beyond the seven gNBs that an operator would have deployed in any case for mobility, the incremental cost/subscriber of using Echoes and Pivots instead of gNBs to achieve 80% indoor coverage is $468 – far less than deploying gNBs alone for the same coverage. This places $100 billion of new FWA money within reach of U.S. mobile network operators who have nationwide mmWave spectrum.
Pivotal delivers on the promise of 5G by minimizing costly, fiber-connected gNBs and facilitating mmWave propagation indoors and around corners. Only Pivotal Commware provides the lowest C-SWaP (cost, size, weight and power consumption) technology – Holographic Beam Forming – to allow these coverage and cost benefits. Read about and watch them here and stay tuned to Pivotal Commware as it turns simulation into reality.