Wireless Power Boosts 5G Deployment
Posted on May 21, 2021 by Pivotal Commware
One of the biggest challenges in providing good 5G coverage is the cost and speed of deployment of repeaters. Powermat Technologies has announced that its wireless power supply technology is part of the solution, enabling a three-fold cost reduction per 5G subscriber repeater installation.
In an exclusive for EE Times, Powermat said that Pivotal Commware, a provider of 5G mmWave infrastructure products, has integrated Powermat’s wireless power technology into Pivotal’s Echo 5G subscriber repeater. Aya Kantor, VP product at Powermat, told us, “Wireless power is an important part of helping expedite deployment of 5G infrastructure. The biggest challenge is the installation of repeaters. Fast deployment is a big story in 5G, and what we are doing is enabling self-installation of subscriber repeaters using wireless power.” She added that by eliminating the costs of installation of power and repeaters can reduce a network operator’s capex and opex three-fold per subscriber.
Echo is a low-profile, glass-attached repeater installed by subscribers to facilitate in-building penetration of mmWave signals from 5G small cells. Other parts of Pivotal’s mmWave ecosystem include the Pivot 5G outdoor repeater, WaveScape RF planning software, and intelligent beam management system for real-time network optimization and management.
Read the full article at EE Times.